What is Dried Longan Meat
Dried longan is often used in Chinese cuisine and Chinese sweet dessert soups. In Chinese food therapy and herbal medicine, it is believed to influence relaxation. In contrast with the fresh fruit, which is juicy and white, the flesh of dried longans is dark brown to almost black.
- Common Name:Longan, Long Yan
- Other Name:Dried longan
- No Artificial Flavour
- No sulphur
- Country of Origin: China
Dried longan meat is warm in nature and taste sweet. Dried longan meat is good for your heart as it helps to reduce excessive anxiety. It helps blood circulation and invigorate the spleen. It is suitable to be broiled as both savoury soups with meat and bone; or broiled as sweet desserts.
- Improves blood circulation & control blood pressure
- Improves memory & relieves stress
- Rich in vitamin c, strengthens immunity
- Improves skin health & promotes weight loss
- 品名:特级厚桂圆龙眼肉干
- 别名:桂圆干、龙眼干、三尺农味、益智、桂圆、龙眼肉
- 纯天然,无添加剂, 无农药
- 无硫磺
- 產地:中國
- 温补:小孩常感冒体质虚冷常尿床、记忆力不佳,多喝桂圆茶可增进脑力,改善虚冷体质。
- 安眠:中医说桂圆具有安神养心、补血益脾的功效,非常适合长期失眠者食用。
- 丰胸:中医医说女人主血气,常吃桂园的女人,脸色红润、身材丰满,所以很多丰胸的补方,都以桂圆作为搭配。
- 补血:能改善心血管循环、安定精神状况、舒解压力和紧张,桂圆含有丰富葡萄糖、蔗糖、蛋白质及多种维生素和微量元素,有良好的滋养补益作用。可用于治疗病后体弱或脑力衰退,妇女在产后调补也很适宜
Benefits of Dried Longan Meat
High total sugar content, rich in vitamins, retinol, niacin, etc. In addition, it also contains essential nutrients such as crude protein, vitamins and inorganic salts.
- Help lose weight
- Good source of fiber
- High in antioxidants
- Boosting memory
- Decreasing fatigue
- Reducing stress
- Lowering blood pressure
- Improving the immune system
- Improving blood circulation
- 脾虚泄泻
- 思虑过度
- 贫血
- 抗衰老
- 抗癌
- 促进智力发育
How to Use
Consuming: Rinse with water and consume.
Brewing: Add-in small portions of Longan/Dry Longan, Red Dates and Wolfberry, brew for 15 minutes.