Dried Red Dates Circle Slices Chips Seedless
- Nourishing and Nourishing Blood,
- Maintain beauty and Anti-aging;
- Anti-cancer; Improve the body’s Immune System;
- Prevent Liver Diseases;
- Sooth the Nerves;
- Clearing Heat and Spleen,
- Refreshing and Anti-stress
- Relieve Fatigue
- Restore physical strength and mental power
Chinese Red Dates Slices Chips can be eat direct or make a flower tea. Most Common Confinement Drinks. Can be used for Cooking Porridge, Soup or Dessert too
- Premium Grade of Dried Red Dates Chips Slices / Seedless.
- Made from Fresh Dates & Good Quality
- Natural from plants & Direct Import from Xin Jiang, China
- No Preservative
- No Sulphur
- No Colouring
- Come with Zipper bag easy for storage
- To be stored in cool, dry and well ventilated place
- Goods to be refrigerated.
- 养气补血, 清热健脾, 益气养虚
- 提神抗压, 舒缓心情、解除疲劳、恢复体力和脑力
- 纯天然 绝对健康,可直接食用,或是
- 泡花茶,简单方便,口感极佳。
- 风干红枣脆片, 香脆可口 越嚼越香
简易拉链袋,方便收藏 。开封后需密封保存, 或置于冰箱中冷藏,会更脆更好吃。
What is Red Date Jujube
The fruit and its seeds are used in Chinese and Korean traditional medicine, where they are believed to alleviate stress, and traditionally for anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-ulcer, anti-inflammatory purposes and sedation, antispastic, antifertility/contraception, hypotensive and antinephritic, cardiotonic, antioxidant, immunostimulant, and wound healing properties.
- Common Name:Red Date Jujube, Jujube, Zao, Hong Zao
- Other Name:Red Date, Chinese Date, Jujuba, Ziziphus Jujuba
- No Artificial Flavour
- No sulphur
- Country of Origin: China
- 品名:新疆红枣片红枣片红枣干无核
- 别名:枣、干枣、枣子
- 纯天然,无添加剂, 无农药
- 无硫磺
- 產地:中國
Benefits of Red Date Jujube
Jujube fruits have long been used in alternative medicine to treat conditions like insomnia and anxiety. Animal and test-tube studies indicate that the fruit may offer impressive health benefits for your nervous system, immunity, and digestion.
- Helps You Sleep Better
- Chronic Constipation Relief
- Soothes Anxiety
- Rich In Vitamin C
- Regulates Blood Pressure
- Regulates Blood Circulation
- Improves Bone Strength
中国的草药书籍「本经」中记载到,红枣味甘性温、归脾胃经,有补中益气、养血安神、缓和药性的功能;而现代的药理学则发现,红枣含有蛋白质、糖类、有机酸、维生素A、维生素C 、多种微量钙以及氨基酸等丰富的营养成分。
- 补气养血
- 健脾养胃
- 促进睡眠
- 增强体质
- 保肝护脏
- 美容养颜
How to Use
8 to 10 pieces of Jujube slices , brewing with 200ml of hot water about 3-5 minutes.
Do not add sugar.