Naturally Dried Honey infused Lemon Slices
The lemon, Citrus limon, is a species of small evergreen tree in the flowering plant family Rutaceae, native to South Asia, primarily North eastern India.
- Common Name:Lemon, Ning Meng
- Other Name:Citrus limon
- No Artificial Flavour
- No sulphur
- Country of Origin: China
柠檬是芸香科柑桔属的常绿小乔木,原产东南亚,现主要产地为美国、意大利、西班牙和希腊。主要为榨汁用,有时也用做烹饪调料,但基本不用作鲜食,因为太酸。柠檬 有抗氧化,助消化,美白,瘦身,有助于控制体重。
- 品名:柠檬干片
- 别名:黎檬、黎檬子、黎朦子、宜母子、里木子、梨橡干、药果、檬子、梦子、宜蒙子、宜母果、柠果、黎檬干
- 纯天然,无添加剂, 无农药
- 无硫磺
- 產地:浙、鄂东、桂、闽、滇 (中國)
Benefits of Lemon
Lemon is also widely used in all sorts of drinks from teas and cocktails to juices. Along with its obvious use as a flavor, lemon since long has also been used for its medicinal value. Lemon has antioxidant, aids digestion, whitening, slimming, and helps to control weight.
- Rich source of vitamin C
- Antibacterial
- Maintaining digestive health
- Fight common cold
- Remedy skin problems
- Increases metabolic rate
- Anti-inflammatory
- Keep the body hydrated
- Reduce joint and muscle pain
- Prevents gingivitis
柠檬中含有丰富的柠檬酸,因此被誉为“柠檬酸仓库”。它的果实汁多肉脆,有浓郁的芳香气。因为味道特酸,故只能作为上等调味料,用来调制饮料菜肴、化妆品和药品。 此外,柠檬富含维生素C,能化痰止咳,生津健胃。用于支气管炎,百日咳,食欲不振,维生素缺乏,中暑烦渴等症状,它是”坏血病”的克星。
- 生津
- 止渴
- 祛暑
- 安胎
- 治咽痛口干
- 治胃脘胀气
- 治高血压
- 治心肌梗塞
- 治不思饮食
How to Prepare Lemon Tea
Put 2-3 lemon slices to a 200 ml size mug, pour in hot water, cover the mug with lid, wait for 5 minutes.
Repeat refill with hot water until the tea becomes tasteless.