Natural Traditional Antioxidants Lemongrass Tea
Lemongrass (scientific name: Cymbopogon) is a fragrant tropical grass and is widely used as a herb in Asian cuisine. It is known as Serai in Malaysia. Lemongrass has a subtle citrus flavor and can acts as an antibacterial herb. It is very helpful in treating headache, arthritis and pain. Full of antioxidants, lemongrass also used as a detox tea to kick-start your metabolism and helps you to lose weight, builds immunity, improves skin quality.
- Lemongrass leaves contains anti-microbial and anti-bacterial.
- Detoxify the body by increasing the number and frequency of urination.
- Treating infections of the stomach, intestines, urinary tract and wounds.
- Rich with vitamin a and vitamin c, lemon grass tea, has the essential nutrients for beautiful skin and hair.
- Drinking lemongrass tea for woman, may help reduce menstrual pain and nausea.
What is Lemongrass Leaf?
Lemongrass Leaf is effective in treating rheumatism, treating migraine, anti-infection, improving digestive function, deodorizing and deworming. Lemongrass can also fight infections and condition greasy and unclean skin.
- Common Name:Lemongrass Leaf, Lemongrass, Xiang Mao
- Other Name:Lemongrass Herb,Cymbopogon citratus (DC.)Stapf, Cymbopogon citratus
- No Artificial Flavour
- No sulphur
- Country of Origin: China
- 品名:香茅茶
- 别名:柠檬茅、香巴茅、风茅、大风茅、柠檬草、茅草茶、姜巴茅、姜草、香茅草、风茅草、姜巴草、茅香、香麻
- 纯天然,无添加剂, 无农药
- 无硫磺
- 產地:辽宁、河北、山东、河南、安徽、江苏、浙江、江西、湖北、湖南 (中國)
Benefits of Lemongrass Leaf
Lemongrass Leaf grow to about 2 m (6.6 ft) and have magenta-colored base stems. These species are used to produce citronella oil, which is used in soaps, as an insect repellent (especially mosquitoes) in insect sprays and candles, and in aromatherapy.
- Full of antioxidant
- Reduces high blood pressure
- Increases metabolism and burns fat
- Treat rheumatism
- Remove hemostasis
- Eases cold or flu and headache
- Treat stomachache
- Treat diarrhea
- Treatment of bruises
- Helps digestion
- 治疗风湿
- 祛瘀通络
- 治感冒头痛
- 治胃痛
- 治泄泻
- 治跌打损伤
How to Use
Put the dried lotus leaves in a cup, pour hot water, close the lid, and stew for 5-6 minutes.
Can be mixed with some sugar, honey for extra taste.
可以加入糖, 蜂蜜一起冲泡。